Cosmetic Teeth

Cosmetic Bonding Teeth

Cosmetic bonding teeth is a procedure that can last between seven and eleven years. However, the cost of the cosmetic teeth bonding procedure can range between $300 and $600 per tooth. The good thing about this is sometimes the insurance companies will cover for this procedure to be done.


Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Bonding Teeth

As with any other dental procedure that a person may have done cosmetic bonding teeth come with pros and cons also. Cosmetic bonding teeth can have advantages over some of the other dental procedures because they only require for the decayed areas of the teeth to be removed unlike other dental procedures which may require the whole tooth to be removed. Also, when this procedure is done you do not have to worry about your teeth cracking because the area will just expand with your teeth. Lastly, with this procedure it will not make your teeth look fake because cosmetic binding teeth fit in with the color of your natural teeth. Basically, the only con of going this route is that cosmetic bonding teeth tends to cost more than other dental procedures.

Cosmetic Bonding Teeth

Why do people choose to get Cosmetic Bonding Teeth?

There are many reasons why people choose to go this route when it comes to fixing their dental problems. Below you can find some of the most common reasons.

  • To hide discolored teeth
  • To even teeth out
  • To hide gum recession or tooth decay
  • To hide chipped or cracked teeth
  • To hide gaps that may be between the two front teeth

How many types of Cosmetic Bonding Teeth are there?

There are two types of cosmetic bonding teeth that are currently available. One procedure is for those who need small corrections made and the other procedure is for those who need larger corrections made.

The people who only need small corrections made only have to go to one appointment to get their cosmetic bonding teeth. During the appointment you will have filling administered that match your teeth color and are bonded to your teeth to make them more durable.

The people who need larger corrections will have to set two appointments to receive their cosmetic bonding teeth. During the first appointment a mold of your teeth will be made and you will also be given temporary fillings. While you wait for your next appointment the mold that was made from your teeth will be send to a dental lab. At the dental lab they will make you a durable porcelain filling. Then once you come back for your second appointment the custom fit mold will be bonded to your actual teeth.

Both of these types of cosmetic bonding teeth work. However, if you need something that is really durable and stain resistant it is best to go with the second option. It may take a little longer for you to get the smile you desire but it will be definitely worth the wait. Also, you will not have to make a return visit to the dentist as soon.