Cosmetic Teeth

Teeth Cosmetic Contouring

Teeth cosmetic contouring is an instant way for someone to have their teeth reshaped. Many people feel that this procedure is something that they must have done to fix their dental insecurities when it comes to their smile.


In some cases people have found out that by having this procedure done they no longer had to consider the horrible option of having to get braces. If you go to a dentist who knows what he is doing when it comes to teeth cosmetic contouring you will have a new smile that will make everyone who comes into your presence jealous.

Teeth Cosmetic Contouring

Types of Teeth Cosmetic Contouring

There is a variety of different variations of this procedure. However, the main ones that are used in this day in time are listed below:

  • Tooth Reshaping
  • Dental Veneers
  • Tooth Bonding

About Tooth Reshaping

Tooth reshaping is a common form of teeth cosmetic contouring. When this procedure is done it will require for ones teeth to have some of the structure of it removed. The dentist may have to smooth out certain areas of the tooth and round or square some edges in order to get rid of the sections of the tooth that are chipped or fractured. Like other dental procedures tooth reshaping can be rather pricing because you are quoted a rate per tooth. The bad thing is much dental insurance will not cover the price of the procedure unless the reason it has to be performed is as a resort of some type of accident. But, if it is something that you just decided you wanted to have done you can expect to have to pay $50 to $350 per tooth.

About Dental Veneers

Veneers are an alternative to crowns. They are glued to your teeth to hide dentals problems including, but not limited to, stained teeth and crooked teeth. Currently, there are three cosmetic teeth veneer procedures available to help people get rid of discoloration that has been caused to their teeth.

Veneers can cost a quite a bit of money so this is not a procedure that people tend to get unless they are a celebrity or their dental insurance covers it. When it comes to veneers you will be charged per tooth so they price can end up costing someone thousands of dollars. Porcelain veneers range from $850 to $2500.Composite veneers are usually the cheaper form of veneers their price can be as low as $250 per tooth. Lumineer Porcelain Veneers range from $700 to $1000.

About Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a procedure that can last between seven and eleven years. However, the cost of the tooth bonding procedure can range between $300 and $600 per tooth. The good thing about this is sometimes the insurance companies will cover for this procedure to be done. There are two types of cosmetic bonding teeth that are currently available. One procedure is for those who need small corrections made and the other procedure is for those who need larger corrections made.