Cosmetic Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry for Missing teeth

Cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth has worked wonders for many people. It helps people realize that they can have the ability to smile again and no one has to even know that they are missing a few teeth. Today with the help of modern technology, a cosmetic dentist can replace teeth.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry for Missing Teeth?

There are three ways that a person can fix missing teeth:

  • A dental bridge
  • A removable appliance
  • A dental implant


    What is a dental bridge?

    A dental bridge is a form of cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth. People who have missing teeth as well as good dental hygiene are eligible for this procedure. Dental bridges can range anywhere from $250 to $550 depending on which state you live in. Then the attachment wing that is needed can range from $600 to $1200.

    Cosmetic Dentistry for Missing teeth

    A dental bridge is sometimes referred to as a pontic. There are two types of dental bridges that are currently available. The first type is a fixed bridge. A fixed bridge is a tooth that cannot be removed from your mouth it is fused between two porcelain crowns. The second type is a cantilever bridge. A cantilever bridge is used when there are only teeth on one side of the area where the tooth is missing. However, no matter which type of dental bridge you get you have to be sure that you maintain your dental hygiene if you have not been in the past.

    What is a removable appliance?

    A removable appliance is something that can be removed from your mouth as the name hints. One of the most popular removable appliances is a dental flipper. A dental flipper is a piece of plastic that has a tooth or teeth attached to it. The good thing about this form of cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth is that it is a more affordable option. The bad thing about this method is that it is not as stable as a dental bridge and it also can cause you some discomfort as well.

    What is a dental implant?

    A dental implant is another form of cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth. It occurs after a tooth is extracted. The procedure consists of a fake root being put inside of your jaw. The good thing about this procedure is it does not require a crown like a dental bridge does nor does it require for the other teeth in your mouth to have alterations done to them. However, the bad thing about taking this route is it is less likely that your insurance will cover the procedure and this procedure can tend to cost more than the other cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth procedures.

    Which cosmetic dentistry for missing teeth procedure is the best?

    All of the procedures work it just depends on how much money you are trying to spend as to which one will be the best for you. If you are looking for the most affordable procedure it is best to go with a removable appliance. However, if you don’t mind spending some extra money you can consider a dental implant or a dental bridge.